#woodturning #woodworking #art
A woodturning compilation video showing you my Best Woodturning Videos of All Time! Enjoy!
Use the chapters to find your favourite.
0:00 - Woodturning - Hidden Treasure Inside a Tree Root
10:07 - Woodturning - Can You Turn A Pinecone?!
16:30 - Woodturning - Nobody Thought It Would Be As Good As The Original!
30:22 - Woodturning - Can Pine Be Pretty .... Again?!
43:33 - Woodturning - Watch Me Make This 8 Ball!
55:04 - Woodturning - This Wood was On Fire!
1:02:09 - Woodturning - Something Totally Unique and One of a Kind!
1:16:45 - Woodturning - Ash Crotch Surprise!
1:27:43 - Woodturning - Two Weeks of Work and Mom Won't Use It!
1:45:32 - Woodturning - You Have To Watch This Transformation!
Social Media:
Instagram: harrysmith_woodturning
TikTok: @harrysmithwoodturning
Second Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/HarrySmithShorts
Designed By HS Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@DesignedbyHS
Email for quotes and queries: [email protected]
Use the code: HarrySmith , for 10% OFF Site-Wide - https://starbond.com/
This channel is supported by Axminster. Use this link to support the channel, and buy your own Axminster equipment. https://www.tagserve.com/clickServlet?AID=3396&MID=485&PID=691&SID=4175&CID=1965&LID=1276&SUBID=&TARGETURL=
This video was edited by Charlie - [email protected]
For the custom coins used in the bottom of my pieces head to vonHanke on etsy: https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/796285253/set-brass-or-duralumin-labels-for?click_key=f0c2a0c8ac3c7515f6132b860c25e71a313793a2%3A796285253&click_sum=bdd02f6d&ref=shop_home_active_3&frs=1&crt=1&sts=1
My videos are for entertainment purposes only. Some of my techniques might not be the "best" or safest, so when using any tool or machinery always read and understand safety/manufacturers guidelines first.
And Yes, I'm aware that wearing gloves while woodturning is considered an unsafe practice. The gloves I wear are tight-fitting and don’t have any loose threads. I wear them for the protection of my skin. This is a risk that I am willing to take, however I am still very conscious of the potential danger and I do not touch any spinning parts of the lathe. DO NOT copy my actions if you feel unsafe doing so.