This is a pitch tape that my business partner and I created for a major NYC production company to pitch to the biggest cable networks in 2014. It's about pool hustling. A project we imagined for years, my partner and I read books, sports magazines and went to tournaments in several states to research and find characters before even bringing a camera. In the end the best stories seemed to circulate through New Orleans. This tape took several months and cost over $40,000 to make all said and done. We found the true hustlers, a dying breed. We thought we captured a world that was a combination of character, story, rags and riches, class and desperation and pure talent that seemed to provide endless storylines and adventure for many seasons of TV, but not a single network even wanted to see more... and because this project did not get interest from networks hurt. This is one of a few shows that are some of my best work, but didn't sell (and then the stupidest ones sold...) There are new avenues for non-reality storytelling now (Netflix doc-series, etc) but because this show and other unique shows I've created didn't even get some interest from the networks is a large part of the reason I chose to stop working in cable reality TV this year. Usually these tapes can never be posted publicly, but this one was a special deal, and two characters - Scotty Townsend and Britney Borges have passed away since filming. I've posted their interviews on this channel and other youtube channels if anyone is interested, just search their names. All of this was shot Fall 2014 and editing finalized January 2015. Thank you very much to all who gave us their time to try to put something fresh and new out there, maybe we can try again via a new medium someday. Thank you Scotty, Britney, Ronnie, Jamie, Scooter, Tedder, Richie, Timmy, Johnny, Greg, and even you Deathball. Play well.