The meaning of Satan is Iblis and his followers. It has been said: Every misleader, whether from man or jinn, who leads astray from the right path is called Satan. In the verse, it is stated that, شَيَاطٖينَ الْاِنْسِ وَالْجِنِّ
it means ''Satans of mankind and jinn''. (Quran/An'am Surah 112)
it means that after being cursed, the angels threw them from the heavens by the divine command, and it is an abhorrent attribute of Satan.
The elders have said: The seeking of refuge is not realized by just saying it with the tongue. Peace of heart is a must. The basis is for the word to match the state and action. If the tongue says Euzubillahi while the state and action seek refuge in Satan, this is the cooperation of Satan in sin and ascension, which has nothing to do with seeking refuge in Allah. The seeker's refuge is from seeing anything other than Allah. The seeker seeks refuge in Allah from being veiled by the veil of multiplicity. Satan is afraid of this light of the seeker and flees.
Abu Said al-Harraz, may his secret be upon him, saw Satan in his dream. He wanted to strike him with his staff. Satan said to him:
- ''O Abu Said! I am not afraid of that staff. What I fear are the rays of the sun of knowledge rising from the sky of the wise man's heart.''
Hasan Basri said: Whoever seeks refuge in the presence of God in the truth with the presence of his heart, Allah will place three hundred veils between him and Satan. Each of these is as long as the distance between the sky and the earth.
It was narrated from Ibn-i Abbas (may Allah be pleased with them) that one day the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was leaving the mosque. They saw the devil at the door. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said to him:
- What brought you to the door of my mosque?
Iblis (may Allah be pleased with them) said:
- It is Allah who brought me here. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:
- So that you may ask me what you wish to ask me.
Ibn-i Abbas (may Allah be pleased with them) said: The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) first asked him about the prayer and said:
- O cursed one! Why do you prevent my community from praying in congregation? Iblis replied:
- When your community goes out to pray, a fever seizes me. I cannot recover until they disperse.
- So why do you prevent my ummah from knowledge and supplication?
- When they start supplication, deafness and blindness come upon me. It does not leave me until they disperse.
- So why do you prevent my ummah from the Quran?
- When they start reading the Quran, I melt like lead.
- Why do you prevent my ummah from jihad?
- When the ummah goes out for jihad, my feet are chained until they return. When they go on the Hajj, my feet and neck are chained. When they want to give alms, saws are put on my head and they cut my head into pieces as if they were cutting wood.
Satan infects the nature of the sons of Adam with what they eat and drink. If a person reduces eating and drinking, he will have worked to break many desires and thus there will be no possibility for Satan to intervene.
The five daily prayers are the first for the correction of the soul. If a servant understands well the elements of prayer such as standing, reciting, bowing, and prostrating, and performs his prayers with peace and reverence, he will have the opportunity to discipline his soul.
Wahb Ibn-i Mumebbih says: When Noah (peace be upon him) left the ship, he came to Iblis (peace be upon him). Noah said to him:
- O enemy of Allah! What sins of yours and your army led them astray and helped them to perish? He said:
- When we see one of them who is stingy, ambitious, envious, tyrant, and hasty, we immediately seize him. If all these traits are gathered in one person, we call him ''shaytan-i merid'', that is, ''the wicked devil''. Because these traits are among the traits of the leaders of the devils, he said.
It has been reported that:
Every day, Iblis (peace be upon him) holds up the world in his two hands and says:
- Who will buy from me this world that harms man, does not benefit him, does not make him sad and does not make him happy?
The worldly people say:
- We will buy it. Satan says:
- Do not hurry, it has some defects. They say:
- There is no harm in it. Satan says:
- Its price is not a few dirhams or dinars, it is your share in Paradise. Because I bought it for four things: Allah's curse, His wrath, His punishment and His severing of relations with me. I sold Paradise for this. The worldly people say:
- However, we accept it. Satan says:
- I want you to give me a little profit in it. This is that you make a place for this world in your hearts and do not expel it from there forever. They say:
- Accept it and buy it. Satan says after them:
- What an evil trade this is!