I was hoping that the Olmaster 6 Slot expansion would work for me, but I had issues with it. I started to film showing how I was going to it use it, but nothing.
So I looked around and found Cenmate's 8 Bay USB 2.0/eSATA RAID/JBOD Enclosure. This was nice. I bought back in December and it sat in the box. I even forget the name.
When I purchased the Olmaster, I had found 2TB SSD from Silicon-Power for $90 each, but was limited to 5 max. I when Microcenter bought one of their Inland 2TB SSD for $110. I had the six I need for Olmaster. Because I wanted to max this out. I when to Microcenter and bought two more Western Digital 2TB 3.5" drives that were on sell.
Cenmate Offical Web Site
Amazon Link to the 8-Bay JBOD from Cenmate
Silicon Power 2TB SSD
Microcenter Inland 2TB SSD