By telling relate-able short stories, comedian and actor Ahmed Amin reflects on how we over-calculate our life decisions, and how he was able to treat himself from this dilemma in an illuminating, talk about funny short stories from his life you've never heard before.
احمد امين ممثل وكاتب تخرج من كلية الفنون الجميلة عام 2002. عمل كممثل مسرحي لسنوات ثم اتجه للصحافة ليشغل منصب رئيس تحرير مجلة باسم للاطفال لنحو 10 سنوات، كتب للتلفزيون عدة مسلسلات من ابرزها: بسنت ودياسطي و القبطان عزوز.
اشتهر امين مؤخرا بفيديوهات كوميدية على يوتيوب في سلسلة ال30 ثانية مثل "ازاي تطتب شعر عامية في 30 ثانية"
فضلا عن بطولته وانتاجه لفيلم "حاضر مع المتهم"
Ahmed Amin is an actor and writer graduated from Faculty of Arts in 2002. Amin worked as a theatre actor, then the chief editor of Bassem children magazine. He wrote many TV serieses including "Basant w Dyasty" and "Captain Azuz". Amin is currently popular for his short youtube videos in the 30 seconds series like "How to write slang poetry in 30 seconds". He also starred and produced his short movie "Present with the Accused"
This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at