Asha與高靈頻道的所有夥伴與可愛貓咪們跟大家拜個晚年,祝大家2025年靈性提升,直覺力倍增,最重要的是時刻感受到被愛攏罩!初三團隊為大家獻上我們最愛的一集,這集充滿愛與生命力,看著貓咪們我們真的完全被融化了,歡迎大家一起來聽聽動物守護者如何解讀近來 Asha 貓咪的壞脾氣吧~
Asha and all the partners from the Living Miracles with Asha & Spirit Guides Series, along with our lovely cats, wish everyone a happy Lunar New Year! May 2025 bring you spiritual growth, enhanced intuition, and, most importantly, the constant feeling of being surrounded by love! To celebrate the third day of the Lunar New Year, our team presents one of our favorite episodes, filled with love and vitality. Watching these adorable cats truly melted our hearts. Join us as we explore how an animal guardian interprets the recent bad temper of Asha’s cat!
Asha 問高靈們:為什麼我的貓咪近期對我大吼大叫?
Asha asked the Spirit Guides: “Why has my cat been yelling at me lately?”
In today’s video, Claire, Mi and me, the three of us, all cat lovers, share fascinating cat stories, including the spiritual secrets of cats, their unique “telepathic” abilities, and why they are both proud and deeply protective of their owners.
✨ 亮點搶先看:
🐱 貓咪如何「選擇主人」?
💖 如何透過心電感應與貓咪溝通
🍴 為什麼牠會生氣地吼「壞媽媽」?
🐱還有,牠們對主人的愛與靈魂交流是如何展現的?本次分享還揭開了貓咪靈魂的 「4 個脈輪」,以及如何用簡單的方式與牠們建立心靈連結!
✨ Highlights:
🐱 How do cats “choose their owners”?
💖 How to communicate with your cats through telepathy
🍴 Why does my cat angrily yell, “Bad mom!”?
✨ Did you know? Cats are more than just pets—they could be your guardians!
🐱 Plus, how do they express their love and spiritual connection with their owners? This episode also reveals the “4 chakras” of a cat’s soul and simple ways to build a deeper spiritual bond with them!
📌 章節導航:
00:00 開場與介紹
02:07 我的貓如何用心電感應跟我說話
06:30 貓咪的守護角色與靈魂特質
12:25 如何讓貓咪更親近你?
20:03 出遠門時該怎麼安撫牠?
📌 Chapter Guide:
00:00 Opening and Introduction
02:07 How my cat uses telepathy to communicate with me
06:30 Cats as guardians and their soul characteristics
12:25 How to make your cats closer to you
20:03 How to comfort your cat when you’re away
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#貓咪心理學 #寵物溝通 #心電感應 #貓咪靈魂
#貓咪日常 #寵物溝通 #心電感應 #喵星人
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#CatPsychology #PetCommunication #Telepathy #CatSoul #CatLife #PetTalk #TelepathicBond #FelineLove
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