د پیشو شهزادګۍ | The Cat Princess in Pashto | Pashto Story | Pashto Fairy Tales
د پیشو شهزادګۍ | The Cat Princess in Pashto | Pashto Story | Pashto Cartoon | Pashto Kahani | Stories in Pashto | Pashto Fairy Tales
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► هېنسل او ګریټل - Hansel and Gretel : https://youtu.be/ZNO6i5qMMNQ
► ښاپېرۍ او موچي - Elves and Shoe Maker : https://youtu.be/d0rZ_ZthJ5I
► سندریلا - Cinderella : https://youtu.be/9VxqFwh_NSA
► علي بابا او څلویښت غله - Alibaba and 40 Thieves : https://youtu.be/nsGppALpi28
► سپینه واوره او اوه جنګیالي - Snow White and Seven Drafws : https://youtu.be/3CmxHBc1Aqg
► زمری او موږک - Lion and the Mouse : https://youtu.be/1au38-kZKwQ
► یو کوچنی موږک چې شهزاده وو - Little Mouse Who Was A Princess : https://youtu.be/GZ-3SbAOClk
► لېوه او اوه ماشومان - Wolf And Seven Goats : https://youtu.be/w17tvaSKMBM
► دومبلینا - Thumbelina : https://youtu.be/q6PadvtbS8k
► د میګر شهزاده - The Frog Prince : https://youtu.be/Vi3rscv2azU
► پیشو او موزې - Puss in the Boots : https://youtu.be/QGx6jzuXlkQ
► جیک او د لوبیا ونه - Jack and The Beanstalk : https://youtu.be/y2t0sqJlw1A
► علاوالدین او حیرانونکی څراغ - Aladdin And The Magic Lamp : https://youtu.be/lY47QQf9aSk
► پینیکیو - Pinocchio : https://youtu.be/qd1wGM3LrqU
► خوشاله شهزاده | Happy Prince : https://youtu.be/m5d1_7Hbg7A
► کوچنۍ بحري ښاپېرۍ - Little Mermaid : https://youtu.be/WLhcHNZNCRc
► سور کمیسه نجلۍ - Little Red Riding Hood : https://youtu.be/XBz4iLMrQ60
► دولس نڅاګرې شهزادګۍ - 12 Dancing Princess : https://youtu.be/auDrCh1y4qg
► ریپونزیل - Rapunzel : https://youtu.be/m4kxgEXwuRs
► ځنګلي سوان - Wild Swan : https://youtu.be/joWNT7h52eQ