#guangzhou #广州 #广州美食 #小吃 #旅游 #美食街 #粤菜 #特产 ##消费 #茶楼 #餐厅 #点心 #虾#饺#牛腩粉#粥#饺子#性价比 #cp值 #广州旅游 #排队 #交通 #地铁攻略
广州北京路最平粤菜茶楼!人均消费30元!点心吃到饱!虾饺13元,牛腩粉13元粥10元!环境一流!cp值最高!大排长龙!美食街小吃特产!交通攻略Cheapest Restaurant Guangzhou
#guangzhou #Guangzhou #Guangzhou food #snacks #tourism #food street #Cantonese cuisine #specialties #consumption #teahouse #restaurant #dim sum #shrimp #dumplings #beef brisket noodles #porridge #dumplings #cost-effectiveness #cp value #Guangzhou tourism #queue #transportation #subway guide
The cheapest Cantonese restaurant on Beijing Road in Guangzhou! Average consumption per person is 30 yuan! All you can eat dim sum! Shrimp dumplings 13 yuan, beef brisket noodles 13 yuan, porridge 10 yuan! First-class environment! Highest cp value! Long queues! Food street snacks and specialties! Transportation guide Cheapest Restaurant Guangzhou
Subway transportation: Guangzhou Metro Line 1, Line 2, Park Front Station