Exclusively, brought to you by Ausmerican Aces every Wednesday night at 7:30pm
The clubhouse is our new talk show, where we will be chatting little bit NRL , little bit sports cards and a little bit everything else that’s going on in our lives behind the scenes.
In case you didn’t know who we are, My name is Ryan Papenhuyzen although you can refer to me as Papi!
And my co-hosts helping me out are two star internationals & premiership winning halves Jahrome Hughes and Cameron Munster.
Please watch and subscribe on our YouTube Channel, @AUSMERICANACES and Listen and Subscribe wherever you get your podcasts also @AUSMERICANACES
Please also Follow the show on all our social media platforms which is also @AUSMERICANACES
Ryan Papenhuyzen:
Cam Munster:
Jahrome Hughes:
Want to Sponsor the show?
Hit us up via the email below:
[email protected]
Follow all our channels below:
Instagram: https://instagram.com/ausmericanaces?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
Youtube: https://youtube.com/c/AusmericanAces
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3yTNtjpRf8cV5vASDTafn4?si=4mhwj7eaRLmhGSyZFRitKQ
Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/ausmerican-aces/id1585841611
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@ausmerican_aces?_t=8aqmGuKRa4I&_r=1
Thanks for listening to another episode of The Clubhouse!
See you next week at 7.30pm!