The complete introduction to Python. This video will cover every part of it and also include lots of exercises so you can practice.
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Project files:
00:00:00 - Intro
00:01:13 - Python in Context
00:06:20 - Installing Python
00:14:20 - Installing a code editor
Part 1 - Python Basics
00:27:57 - How code is executed
00:33:21 - Math operations
00:41:52 - Variables
00:56:37 - Functions
01:03:22 - Methods
01:18:11 - Returning values
01:24:23 - Comments
01:29:38 - More on the order of execution
Part 2 - Datatypes
01:37:53 - Datatypes intro
01:42:15 - Numbers (integers + floating point numbers)
01:48:09 - Strings
02:08:45 - Lists and tuples
02:26:45 - Slicing
02:39:26 - Unpacking
02:44:03 - Strings, tuples and lists
02:52:54 - Dictionaries
03:04:35 - Sets
03:18:26 - Booleans
03:31:39 - Other datatypes
Part 3 - Flow
03:33:32 - Flow intro
03:37:26 - Simple if statements
03:50:34 - Complex if statements
04:06:10 - Match case
04:14:49 - While loops
04:27:29 - For loops
04:42:42 - Flow + linebreaks
Part 4 - Functions
04:50:22 - Function intro
05:04:18 - Parameters
05:16:37 - More on parameters
05:27:30 - Scope
05:44:47 - Lambda functions
05:50:38 - Documenting functions
Part 5 - Data
05:57:03 - Data intro
05:57:51 - Better for loops
06:12:46 - List comprehension
06:30:56 - Other comprehensions
06:37:49 - Sorting data
06:49:11 - Map + Filter
06:58:04 - File handling
07:09:35 - Deleting
Part 6 - Classes
07:13:59 - Classes intro
07:30:21 - Classes in practice
07:43:48 - Dunder methods
08:00:01 - Class and methods
08:13:25 - Scope and classes
08:28:00 - Simple inheritance
08:50:34 - Complex inheritance
09:10:30 - Class extra parts
Part 7 - Modules
09:21:26 - Module intro
09:34:51 - External modules
09:48:41 - Creating modules
09:56:09 - Dunder main
Part 8 - Extra parts
09:59:31 - Intro + input + pass
10:04:22 - Exceptions / Error handling
10:18:56 - Decorators
11:01:27 - Eval + Exec