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Samuel Kim Music:
Republic Commando Soundtrack
Outro Music:
-All imagery and videoclips are from official artworks, the actual films, TV Shows, official videogames, and fan art, some of which can be found in my collection here: https://www.deviantart.com/delta253/favourites/78667053/star-wars-expanded-universe They are not made by me and I do not own them. All rights reserved to the authors.
Check out my Fett Family Tree Here: https://www.deviantart.com/delta253/art/Clan-Fett-Family-Tree-938060110
-Star Wars: The New Essential Chronology
-Star Wars: The Essential Atlas
-Star Wars: The Essential Guide to Characters
-Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (Comic Series)
-Star Wars: Jango Fett: Open Seasons
-Star Wars: Bounty Hunter
-Star Wars: Episode II: Attack of the Clones
-Star Wars: Young Boba Fett Series
-Star Wars: Boba Fett: Blood Ties
-Star Wars: Episode V: Empire Strikes Back
-Star Wars: Episode VI: Return of the Jedi
-Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire
-Star Wars: Legacy of the Force: Bloodlines
-Star Wars: Legacy of the Force: Sacrifice
-Star Wars: Legacy of the Force: Revelation
-Star Wars: Legacy of the Force: Invincible
-Star Wars: Crucible