In Just 24 Hours you can Listen to The Entire Torah Reading in Hebrew with the English Translation.
👉🏻 Link to Purchase the Chumash with Interlinear translation:
A Project that took 1 Year. With more than 500 hours of Editing. This Projects is Dedicated in the merit of Shayel Moshe ben Avraham Avinu, Gabriela bat Avraham Avinu and our Children. May we continue to grow in Torah, Mitzvot and Good Deeds and cleave to Hashem all the days of our life's. May Hashem bless us in everything we do.
Now you can listen to the Entire Torah in what is considered the most accurate pronunciation of the Ancient Hebrew. As per the Custom of Yerushalmi. This is very similar to the Yemenite Torah Reading and the Sephardic Torah Reading.
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Torah Cantillation by Rabbi Uriel Suliman
Translation: Artscroll Chumash Schottenstein Edition
Link to Purchase the full book of the Chumash with Interlinear translation:
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Ramban Set (Torah Commentary) ➡︎
Rashi Set (Torah Commentary) ➡︎
Baal HaTurim Set (Torah Commentary) ➡︎
00:00:00 Parashat Bereishit
00:28:52 Parashat Noach
00:56:54 Parashat Lech Lecha
01:23:13 Parashat Vayeira
01:54:28 Parashat Chayei Sarah
02:16:23 Parashat Toldot
02:38:11 Parashat Vayeitzei
03:08:51 Parashat Vayishlach
03:37:36 Parashat Vayeishev
04:01:03 Parashat Mikeitz
04:32:29 Parashat Vayigash
04:55:29 Parashat Vayechi
05:13:30 Parashat Shemot
05:48:25 Parashat Va’eira
06:21:53 Parashat Bo
06:53:27 Parashat Beshalach
07:26:26 Parashat Yitro
07:50:02 Parashat Mishpatim
08:18:12 Parashat Terumah
08:44:02 Parashat Tetzaveh
09:14:44 Parashat Ki Tisa
09:53:24 Parashat Vayakhel
10:24:28 Parashat Pekudei
10:46:18 Parashat Vayikra
11:18:04 Parashat Tzav
11:44:49 Parashat Shemini
12:10:45 Parashat Tazria
12:32:01 Parashat Metzora
12:56:16 Parashat Acharei
13:19:21 Parashat Kedoshim
13:36:09 Parashat Emor
14:07:36 Parashat Behar
14:22:21 Parashat Bechukotai
14:40:35 Parashat Bamidbar
15:15:27 Parashat Nasso
15:57:02 Parashat Beha’alotcha
16:30:10 Parashat Shelach
16:56:41 Parashat Korach
17:23:10 Parashat Chukat
17:45:56 Parashat Balak
18:11:59 Parashat Pinchas
18:51:19 Parashat Mattot
19:19:16 Parashat Masei
19:46:57 Parashat Devarim
20:15:52 Parashat Va’etchanan
20:50:12 Parashat Eikev
21:20:25 Parashat Re’eh
21:54:53 Parashat Shoftim
22:20:13 Parashat Ki Teitzei
22:46:40 Parashat Ki Tavo
23:16:00 Parashat Nitzavim
23:27:43 Parashat Vayeilech
23:36:44 Parashat Haazinu
23:46:08 Parashat Vezot Haberachah
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TITLE: The Complete TORAH / 5 Books of Moses HEBREW Reading & ENGLISH Translation | TORAH STUDY
I am a Jewish Convert to Orthodox Judaism. I grew up as a religious Christian in South Africa. I never really believed in Jesus as the son of God or as the Messiah and thus started doing research on different religions. I studied world religions such as buddism, hinduism and islam when I was living in Asia and the Middle East. I always had a love for Israel and the Jewish People. I love history especially jewish history, history of religion, world history and the history of israel. I loved the Bible which Jews call the Torah. I never really believed in the new testament because it contradicts the old testament. I found within the Jewish Bible Inspiration and Life advice which is filled with ancient wisdom and jewish wisdom that is truly life changing. I thus started my Jewish Journey to become jewish and part of the jewish people and the jewish nation by listening to jewish teachings and Rabbi's Online and buying Jewish books and finally by doing a orthodox jewish conversion program that took me 5 years with allot of mistakes along the way. That is also why I started my YouTube channel called the Jewish Convert to unpack complex jewish ideas and teach people more about Judaism, Israel and Converting to Judaism. I am now living in Israel which I believe is the messianic times of the ingathering of the exiles where we will all soon see the coming of The Messiah and the Rebuilt Temple in Jerusalem soon in the end times we are living in. This is my testimony this is my jewish life.