One of the best builds in the game has been bugged up until now. With it fixed, we can finally dive in to the awesome power and sheer reliability of the thrown weapon fighter! Never missing, always killing, this character makes one of the best damage dealers for any Honour Mode party, while also being an incredible tank and extremely useful teammate!
This character uses Eldritch Knight Fighter and War Domain Cleric to get the most powerful, reliable damage in the game, as well as incredible tanking, utility, and consistency!
0:00 Intro and Build Goals
0:20 Finally: No More Bugs!
1:35 Fighter or Barbarian?
2:12 Level 1 Build
5:57 Subclass and Spell Selection
10:23 Feat Selection
13:09 Cleric Dip
17:15 Feat Selection
17:51 Elixirs
18:12 Level 2 Spells
19:31 Feat Selection
21:41 HOW MANY attacks??
23:07 Combat Example and average damage
26:55 Gear