Update part two on my search for new speakers, new amp and preamp to replace my nearly 30 year old set up. Link to Part One video
#audiophile #highendaudio #highendaudiophile #wilsonaudio #bowerswilkins #mcintosh #simaudio #focalaudio #sonusfaber #mbl #burmester #wharfedale #audioresearch #michi #psaudio
Current Audio System
Analoge Front End
VPI Prime 21 Turntable
Hana ML Phone Cartridge
Teac R777X Cassette Player
Digital Front End
Sony HAP Z1ES Digital Audio Dac-Streamer
Sony XA5400ES SACD/CD Player
Amplification System
Classe CP 50 Pre-Amp with MC phone stage
Classe CA 150 Amplifier
Speaker System
Bowers & Wilkins 803 Series II
Tara Labs Axiom Phono Cable
Audioquest Diamandback Interconnects (all balanced)
Kimber Kable 8TC Speaker Cables
VPI 16.5 Record Cleaner/Vacuum