We're all familiar with analogue horror, but have you ever seen an analogue horror series that takes place in the Left 4 Dead universe? This series was shockingly unsettling for a series taking place in something as lighthearted as Left 4 Dead. Happy spooky month!
The CEDA channel: https://www.youtube.com/@CivilEmergencyDefenseAgency
Xitter - https://x.com/MarcelameYT
Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/marcelamee
My only requirements for reacting to my video essays are that you ask for permission first, or if you don't, at the very least please credit me and provide something of substance to the reaction instead of every now and then just saying "wow thats crazy". The only exception to this rule is if I personally know you, then feel free to do whatever you want.
Voiceovers edited by @RandyMOV
Thumbnail made by @Aithoma
0:00 Intro
5:18 Analogue Horror
7:30 Important Context
10:00 Saferoom Tape
13:30 The Vannah Tape
16:10 Liberty Mall Tape
19:26 Trainee Tape
23:04 Door Tape
26:04 Better Safe Than Sorry Tape
27:36 Authorized Tape
32:00 Summary Tape
33:40 Green Flu Tape
36:43 Recap Of Season 1
37:44 Burger_Tank_4_Lunch Tape
40:23 Quarantine Tape
43:01 Staring Video
43:52 Decomposition Tape
49:05 Outro
Background Music Used (in the order they show up)
Spongebob Creature From The Krusty Krab OST - Diesel Dreaming (Idle)
Team Fortress 2 OST - Archimedes
Left 4 Dead 2 OST - The Parish Main Menu Theme
Lud And Schlatt's Music Emporium - Tax Office (Night)
Sly 2 OST - Paris
Monster Lab OST - Castle
Left 4 Dead OST - No Mercy Rabies
Left 4 Dead OST - Smoker Tongue Tied
Left 4 Dead 2 OST - Dead Center Main Menu Theme
Half Life 2 OST - Shadows Fore And Aft
Lud And Schlatt's Music Emporium - 2 AM
Sly 3 OST - Holland Hotel Lobby
Half Life 2 Episode Two OST - Extinction Event Horizon
LISA The Painful OST - Muddy Waters
LISA The Painful OST - Live In Joy
Half Life 2 Episode One OST - Decay Mode
LISA The Painful OST - Soft Skin
LISA The Painful OST - Bile
Half Life 2 Episode One OST - Combine Advisory
Fallout 1 OST - Mariposa Military Base
LISA The Painful OST - Garbage Day
Spongebob Creature From The Krusty Krab OST - Alaskan Belly Trouble Acid (Idle)
Spamton Value Network OST - Good Timez
#arg #analoguehorror #videoessay #left4dead