“The crown is not just an ornament to be worn.
It is a privilege and a burden."
I love this show so much. Really. I love how complex the characters are. How well written. As much as I hate CHARLES... Damn, his story is sooo good. The parallels between his storyline and Queens... They are so similar and yet so different. Because in the end Queen knew what is the most important - CROWN. She was able to fit in, to follow her duty. And Charles said in s3 (I wish I added this scene but damn how long is this video hahaha) that the moment Queen will die the moment he will be able to be himself. And the whole thing is, Queen literally sacrifice herself for the crown. And he won't be able to do it. And this is why she is THE QUEEN and he is just a spoiled man.
I really want to vid Charles, but i hate him way too much after the whole Diana/Camilla story. Uh.
Next THE CROWN video will be for sure Princess Margaret. SHE IS LITERALLY THE BEST. I love her so much.
And THE QUEEN. My love for this woman. I feel like all I want to do is vid THE CROWN so be ready hahahaha
Also, if you watched all 6 mins of the video... CONGRATS. And thank you!
fandom: the crown (season 3 and season 4 - plus few scenes from s1 and s2)
song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8tmcxn99EE
coloring: by Glamourstar0x
#fanvidfeed #thecrown #viddingisart