▼You can take Hik@Ru's online lessons at [HikaRu Shop] here
▼The channel with Iketomi Sensei is here
★Click here to send a friend request to the official LINE account of competitive dancer Matsumura Hikaru → http://nav.cx/bMgyppe
★Sawakami Murai Dance School HP → http://www.d-tops.com/
★Sawakami Murai Dance School Blog → https://ameblo.jp/sawakami-murai-dance/
★Instagram★ → https://www.instagram.com/hikaru_matumura/
~~Ballroom dancer Matsumura Hikaru~~Profile~~
♪Belongs to Sawakami Murai Dance School♪
JBDF Pro Latin A grade
JBDF Pro Standard B-class
If there's anything you'd like to ask or do, please leave a comment (#^^#)
#dance#Matsumura Hikaru#Nagoya native