The Robobrain Murder Mystery of Vault 118- Fallout 4 Lore
On the island of Far Harbour, beneath the Cliff's Edge Hotel, we can find a vault. But this Vault is very different than many of the others we have looked at. This Vault, Vault 118, is different in that the residents took control of the experiment, usurping Vault-Tec and taking the Vault for themselves. This all began when they, Ezra, Gilda, Keith, Julianna and Bert, made the choice to become robobrains. But if they took over Vault 118, what effect did this have on the experiment, and what was the original experiment for Vault 118. Today, we shall take a look at all of this.
0:00- Introduction
1:25- Cliff's Edge Hotel
4:41- Vault 118
9:20- Murder Scene
13:48: Overseer's Office and Original Vault experiment
26:13- Keith McKinney
32:02- Ezra Parker's Room
34:11- Santiago Avida
42:43- Gilda Broscoe
47:42- Bert and Julianna's Room
51:43- Bert Riggs
56:59- Julianna Riggs
1:02:03- Second Wing of the Vault
1:03:35- Conclusions
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