A highly requested review of the DF64 coffee grinder, also known as the G-IOTA, the Solo, or the Turin 64SD. This is a single dose grinder that is positioned in the mid-range and one that some are describing as a strong competitor to the Niche grinder. If you've got one I'd love to hear your thoughts!
DF64 on Alibaba: https://bit.ly/3cxilk6
The Solo on Bella Barista (UK): https://bit.ly/3grOMBy
G-IOTA on HomeBarista (Belgium): https://bit.ly/3x7QUVZ
Turin DF64 on EspressoOutlet (USA): https://bit.ly/2REDLEC
G-IOTA on Frekko (Netherlands): www.frekko.nl
DF64 on BPlus (Taiwan): https://bit.ly/3cwC2Zm
G-IOTA on Bohnendealer (Germany & Austria): https://bit.ly/3pGNDdJ
None of the above are affiliate links.
Clump crusher & 3D printed housing for the DF64: https://bit.ly/3xeJsYW
My review of the Niche grinder from 2019: https://youtu.be/FzOY2tHyZ4w
My review of the Wilfa Uniform: https://youtu.be/TvmYngoL8RQ
Comparison of the Wilfa Uniform & the Niche grinder: https://youtu.be/dQiLVamJRdk
My review of the Fellow Ode: https://youtu.be/QE4NT8MY-Zo
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/jameshoffmann
Limited Edition Merch: https://www.tenshundredsthousands.com
My Books:
The World Atlas of Coffee: http://geni.us/atlasofcoffee
The Best of Jimseven: https://geni.us/bestofjimseven
Find me here:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jimseven
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/jimseven
Things I use and like:
My video kit: https://kit.co/jimseven/video-making-gear
My current studio coffee kit: https://kit.co/jimseven/studio-coffee-kit
My glasses: http://bit.ly/boldlondon
My hair product of choice: https://geni.us/forthehair
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