We just recently received a question on the difference between a spelling program and a vocabulary program. In this case, they were curious about the differences between Sequential Spelling and Megawords. While we're discussing Megawords, let's take a look at the new 3rd edition. What makes Megawords unique? How does it accomodate specific learning styles? We also just heard about some changes to SpellingYouSee from Demme Learning. Levels C-G of SpellingYouSee are being revised and new editions will be available this Spring! With the revision, Demme Learning is no longer offering Universal Sets; the Instructor Guide and Student Workbook set will be sold separately.
Megawords 3rd. Edition
IEW Investigrations in Writing
Sequential Spelling
Spelling Curriculum Comparison Chart
00:00 - Two sides to communication
02:55 - New Edition!
10:27 - New Themed-Based Writing Level
14:05 - Updates coming soon
15:59 - Bringing it home