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The Dominion War Chronicles

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This is an exhaustive break down of the entire dominion war, looking at every episode and the logical assumptions that are created by them. Thank you for being apart of this great project. Trek Chapters! 00:00 - Dedication 00:11 - Golden Age Won and Lost 09:24 - The Day Starfleet Let Evil Win 19:32 - A gilded Dominion 27:06 - Justified Dominion Response 34:03 - History will remember the Name Odyssey 42:19 - Starfleet Warships and Romulans 50:11 - Fall of the Obsidian Order 58:46 - The Day Before The Dominion Manifested 01:08:20 - First Battle of Deep Space Nine 01:21:08 - Is Starfleet Evil? 01:28:00 - Genesis of Starfleet Betraying the Federation 01:36:14 - A well armed Paradise 01:48:38 - On Trial : Admiral Leyton 01:59:16 - That Time Worf Took Civilian Lives 02:10:41 - Justified Civillian Losses 02:34:22 - Showing not telling a Klingon War 02:38:12 - Civilian view of the Klingon-Dominion War 02:50:24 - Klingons Attacking Civillians 02:54:36 - Bashir's attempt to save Jem'hadar 03:02:53 - The Dominion Invades the Alpha Quadrant 03:09:12 - Cardassia's Justified Betrayal 03:19:50 - Dukat knew of Changelings 03:22:52 - Did Bajor Outlaw Starfleet Ships? 03:25:56 - Maquis, Useful Idiots 02:30:16 - Starfleet's final act of War 03:36:42 - Second battle of Deep Space Nine 03:41:08 - Leaving DS9 was a strategic mistake 03:46:49 - Starfleet tries to elimate all Jem'hadar 03:55:02 - Life as a Dominion Citizen 04:00:34 - An inefficient Terrorist Cell 04:06:46 - The prophets enter the war 04:11:39 - The Day Capitalism could have saved 04:20:08 - The Ferengi Double-cross the Dominion 04:27:04 - Operation Return: Bad Battle Plans 04:33:56 - The Breaking and Betrayal of Gul Dukat's Character 04:38:03 - Little men and Alpha Jem'hadar Soldiers 04:45:06 -Section 31 and Federation Utopian Lie 04:54:26 - The Series that Betrayed Roddenbery 04:58:49 - How Garak Destroyed Who Sisko Was 05:08:15 - Sisko Sacrifices his starfleet Morality 05:15:15 - Gark's plan to comes to fruition 05:20:33 - The Romulan's Strategy Exposed 05:28:33 - Fall of the USS Valiant 05:38:37 - Negative Impact of War and Chin'toka 05:44:17 - Succesfully blundered and invasion of Chin'toka 05:48:52 - Starfleet chooses Victory over Bajoran Lives 05:55:50 - AR-558 and the Disposable People 06:01:18 - The Useless sige of AR-558 06:10:25 - Planning for the next Conflict with the Romulans 06:15:17 - When CArdassians became Bajorans 06:20:17 -Paradise destroyed, Everything Gained Lost 06:25:33 - Rise and fall of the Cardassian Rebellion 06:33:44 - The Ethics of sTarfleet and a Morphogenic Virus 06:44:09 - Did Sisko Order Gowron's Slaying 06:52:24 - Battle of Cardassia and Final battle of the War 07:00:40 - The Day after the Dominion War 07:10:26 - Did the Prophets manipulate Starfleet and the Dominion ================================================ Want More Lore?! Star Trek Lore: Star Wars Lore: Battle Star Galactica Lore: Star Trek Dominion War: ================================================ Twitter: Facebook: Twitch: Patreon: ================================================ Come Hang out while I play.. Mixer: Twitch: =============================================== Citations! These are my most often used resources: Memory Alpha: Trekyards: Spacedock: Ex Astria Scientia - ================================================ The music in this video is licensed Royalty Free. Songs: Music by: © 2017 Epidemic Sound
