I'm sharing the dos and don'ts of gel printing including what paint to use, what papers, how to get patterns and textures into prints and more. Visit the blog for more resources at https://acolorfuljourney.com/?p=22085
Pasta printing video: https://youtu.be/jUtG9DJTs3E
New to gel printing? I've got a step by step video and downloadable guide to get you started at http://bit.ly/2qcbnee
I’m Carolyn Dube, a self taught mixed media art adventurer who has rediscovered play. I play with every color of the rainbow, avoid rules whenever possible, and let the little kid inside of me free. Visit the blog where I’m sharing the journey at http://acolorfuljourney.com/ and get my newsletter with downloadable Sparks of Art-spiration and more at http://acolorfuljourney.com/?page_id=6431
Join the fun in my free mixed media workshop Permission to Play http://bit.ly/2sdGx2j
You can find my articles in magazines such as Somerset Studio and Cloth Paper Scissors, spot me teaching in person and online workshops, designing stencils for StencilGirl Products, and sharing the message of O.O.P.S.
What does O.O.P.S. stand for? It stands for Outstanding Opportunities Presenting Suddenly.
Those “failures” and “mistakes” that I had so harshly criticized myself about actually became true gifts as soon as I started saying O.O.P.S. Try saying Oops in an angry tone. It makes it even more silly! I just can’t take myself seriously when I say Oops which is just what I needed to play. I began to play, to have fun, and to embrace all of my “mistakes”.
Blog: http://acolorfuljourney.com/
Free Workshop https://acolorfuljourney.com/permission-to-play/
Newsletter http://bit.ly/1bVsMYI
YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdXS_Br77vmmJTlHQFL0rNQ
Instagram https://instagram.com/carolyn_dube/
Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/aColorfulJourney/
Pinterest https://www.pinterest.com/cdube/