00:00:00 - Intro
00:00:25 - American heavy cruiser turrets?
00:02:45 - How did the 1st London Naval Treaty handle limitations on seaplane tenders?
00:05:26 - USN in the War of 1812 Resources?
00:10:55 - Rat Guards, origins?
00:12:45 - You've mentioned in several dry docks and other videos That Germany and the United States both struggled with building turbine engines in the 1900's what is it about turbine engines that made them so difficult to make?
00:16:32 - How cross compatible were torpedoes?
00:19:57 - Target ships and their engines?
00:21:59 - Cutting the Essex class to accelerate Midway/Kentucky?
00:24:55 - Can you give a rundown of the Marines invading Korea in the 1800s?
00:28:14 - What are the limiting factors for the Dreadnought through WW2 period when it comes to deployed fleet size?
00:32:17 - Was it true that USS Laffey was opened up to the public after the Kamikaze attack on April 16th so the public could view the damage done to the ship?
00:33:33 - The loss of the destroyer HMS Rockingham in 1944
00:35:41 - What did the French Navy do between September 1939 and June 1940?
00:39:29 - USS Wyoming AA refit?
00:42:47 - How does history rate Admiral James Somerville?
00:48:30 - Cases of a ship or person becoming the embodiment of an idea or doctrine?
00:50:58 - Degassing fuel oil?
00:53:45 - How were the fleets of the 18th century/napoleonic royal navy organized? Where there fixed squadrons and divisions with their own commanders or where just single ships assigned to fleet commanders? Also, how do the red/white/blue ensign squadrons come in to it?
00:59:00 - What types and numbers of small arms would various types of Royal Navy ships (battleships, cruisers, sloops, etc) carry in the great war?
01:01:54 - As a naval historian, which aspects of your research, be they ship, battle, figure, or broader topic, most tend to make you tear out your hair or scream into throw pillows?
01:10:41 - WRENS
01:14:15 - When the Allies occupied Iceland what significance did it have in the Battle of the Atlantic?
01:19:11 - The Great Storm of 1703
01:22:31 - What changes pre-WW2 would improve the fighting capability of the Italian Navy?
01:27:38 - How were the tasks of running out, aiming, and absorbing recoil which involved muscle, ropes, levers, and friction in 1850 accomplished in 1900?
01:34:50 - During the age of sail, what was the practice about lighting aboard ship while at sea at night?
01:37:38 - How did officers view inter-navy trade?
01:46:03 - What in you opinion would be the most successful lopsided ships with excessive speed, protection and firepower respectively?
01:52:20 - Can you explain the stability issues experienced by USS Midway class carriers as they were significantly enlarged over their service life. Did they lose any speed from the addition of roughly 20 000 tons?
01:55:43 - Just how far back in history does naval mine warfare go?
01:58:32 - Just how much would it cost to raise the Johnston?
02:01:16 - Other navies fleet problems?
02:05:03 - Mobile drydock's in WW2?
02:08:22 - Just how much pride did 19th century Naval officers have in their near-monopoly on navigation?