At this point, just about everything has an Iceberg video... and now Duke Nukem does too!
I know I'm late to the party with this trend, but I found an interesting Duke themed Iceberg created by Zykov Eddie, and decided to turn it into a video.
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Huge thank you to Zykov Eddie for the iceberg, some images and for answering all of my questions.
@MarphitimusBlackimus for letting me use his Tiger Electronics Grip Games Duke Nukem 3D - Gameplay
Thanks to @Wump Flumpem from @DukeAtomicTimes (twitter) for helping me understand some of Duke's hidden lore.
Thanks to Hendricks266 and Terminx for the flamethrower footage.
Images of the Pribor 3b found on
Saturn promo found here:
Thanks to everyone at the Duke4 Discord server.
Some footage courtesy of NASA
I always try and get permissions and to credit the appropriate party. But sometimes, it's not always possible. If you own anything used in the video and take issue with its use, or if I've forgotten to credit you, please let me know and I'll sort it out ASAP.
Duke Nukem belongs to Gearbox Software