In this video I give you all the tea there is on being an econ major at UChicago from the perspective of a fourth year who has ALMOST trudged through it! (jk there's no tea, only useful information!)
0:55 Required classes, track A/B/Business Econ/Data Science, coursework
7:49 Student resources
10:52 Career prospects
13:15 Comparison to other schools (Harvard, Princeton, Stanford, MIT)
19:14 Things I wish I knew before starting the major here
I apologize for placing 4 ads in this video but I felt it matched up with the many hours I put into researching, writing, filming, STRUGGLING WITH MY MIC, editing, etc. this video. (Something like 8-9 hours...........) However, I am confident that the information provided here is very useful and can't be found anywhere else on the internet!
RSVP for my meetup w/ ItsChloeTan!
Relevant video on the core:
More information on the econ major @ uchicago here:
【中文字幕】coming soon
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📷 Canon M6
📚 UChicago '20
Major: Economics
Minor: Visual Arts
🇨🇳/🇺🇸: 在中国出生, 六岁移民到美国纽约
⭐Disclaimer: This video is not sponsored. This video is also not endorsed by the University of Chicago. All views and opinions are my own!