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The Enemy Only Attacks What’s Valuable | Steven Furtick

Steven Furtick 1,697,011 4 years ago
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If the enemy only attacks what is valuable, and you’re under attack, what does that make you? In this message, Pastor Steven Furtick of Elevation Church teaches us that the storms you’re in may be proof that the enemy sees you as a threat. This is an excerpt from "You Must Be Important," to watch the full message, click here: —— Stay Connected Website: Steven Furtick Facebook: Steven Furtick Instagram: Steven Furtick Twitter: #stevenfurtick #stevenfurticksermons #theenemyonlyattackswhatsvaluable #youmustbeimportant #savagejesus #purpose #value #importance #elevationchurch #onlinechurch #churchonline Section Titles: 0:00 - You’re Gonna Make It Through This 1:43 - You Must Be Important  4:00 - God Is Headed In Your Direction 6:12 - Do You Go To Dead Places? 8:44 - We’ve All Got Issues 10:20 - Why Do You Push People Away? 12:36 - The Devil Doesn’t Want You Free 15:10 - The Enemy Attacks What You Value The Most 17:30 - Protect Your Relationship With God The Enemy Only Attacks What’s Valuable | Steven Furtick
