Did the new CoD Zombies storyline not interest you? Did you skip out on Cold War, Vanguard or Modern Warfare Zombies (MWZ), but want to be fully up-to-date with Black Ops 6? Do you just LOVE storyline videos?
Well, get ready for absolutely everything you need to know about the Call of Duty Black Ops Zombies storyline.
This video was a bit of a passion project for me over the last 3 months. It means so much to me that you're watching it now - thank you.
Special Thanks to:
JumpedHades / @JumpedHades
MasonLXIX / @masonlxix4358
And Lea, Rob, Jack, Keir, Alex and Anthony for their continued feedback.
MrRoflWaffles / @MrRoflWaffles
MrDalekJD / @MrDalekJD
CodeNamePizza / @CodeNamePizza
Hybs / @Hybs
Yin 201581 / @Yin-yc3yo
AC OMEGA / @acomega.
Amsztel / @Amsztel
JordanJT01 / @JORDANJT01
Kenji Y / @MysteriousFox
DoctaTofen 2.0 / @doctatofen2.089
llStevell / @IlSteveIl
Gaming Piece / @gamingpiece
TheGamingRevolution / @TheGamingRevo
Shawn / @sjlbean
GregFPS / @GregFPS (sorry, added this last minute and realised I'd used some VG gameplay)
Thumbnail Inspiration by @TheZigg
I'm really sorry if I missed anyone, but I'm pretty sure I credited all here + in the video.
World at War, Black Ops, Black Ops 2, Black Ops 3 & Black Ops 4 = Aether Story
Black Ops: Cold War, Vanguard, MWZ & Black Ops 6 = Dark Aether Story
00:00 Introduction
00:29 Chapter I - Before The Games
03:01 Chapter II - World at War & Black Ops 1
06:06 Chapter III - Black Ops 2
08:26 Chapter IV - Black Ops 3
12:22 Chapter V - Black Ops 4
15:39 Brief Intermission
16:03 Chapter VI - Vanguard Zombies
19:43 Chapter VII - Cold War Zombies
28:44 Chapter VIII - Modern Warfare Zombies (MWZ)
33:09 Chapter IX - Black Ops 6
35:51 Chapter X - Epilogue
#CODZombies #callofduty #ZombiesStoryline #ZombiesTimeline #StorylineExplained #StoryExplained #ZombiesExplained #CompleteStoryline #bo3 #blackops3 #bo3 #BlackOps6 #BO6 #BO6Zombies #BlackOps6Zombies #Terminus #LibertyFalls #MWZ #ModernWarfareZombies #coldwar #blackopscoldwar #coldwarzombies #WorldAtWar #blackops #blackops2zombies #blackops4 #BO4Zombies #bo4 #vanguard #vanguardzombies #codzombieslore #zombieslore #lore