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This is the ENTIRE Evolution of Destiny's META and weaponry! We travel all the way back to 2014 and then progress through each era of the game's history, noting all of the best weapons along the way. The Destiny franchise has created some of the most iconic weapons in all of gaming history, so there is no shortage of weapons to talk about. Gjallarhorn, Thorn, The Last Word, SUROS Regime, Ace of Spades, Pocket Infinity, Red Death... the list goes on. Whether you're a veteran players reliving this nostalgic journey, or a newer player discovering the history of this game, I hope you thoroughly enjoy this movie covering the most fabled weapons in Destiny's 10-year history.
Movie-length videos like this take quite a lot of time to create. This one took several months! There's so much research, planning, scripting, editing, and creative work that goes into long-form videos like this. Please consider supporting my content by becoming a Patron, because without you, big projects like this would not be possible. https://www.Patreon.com/ShadowDestiny. The perks offered on Patreon are also pretty exceptional... you'll get early access to videos, credits in all my videos, and like 16 other great perks lol. Go check it out.
This video covers the evolution of Destiny's weapons, but it doesn't touch on the overall evolution of the game and its community. After you watch this video, here's a link to my other video covering the entire evolution of the Destiny franchise: https://youtu.be/D3pu_zeiQUk?si=OcznDFVaTd6bzx-j
I'd like to give a large thank you to all of the Destiny creators who appear in this video. Videos like this rely entirely on historic footage from each period in history, so it would quite literally be impossible to make without the videos from everyone around the community. These creators are all credited in the bottom left of the screen.
Check out my 2nd channel for more Destiny 2 content! @ShadowDestiny2
Credit to my Discord, Patreon, and YT channel members for making this vid possible: Priestess, Zack Barton, Apollos Shdw, Jasper Stone, Dawson Gillilan, Beau, Vegito, Flizzeryx, Fluffybun, Xariel, Swaretm, MrCrabominable, Skywalkerzz_, themagicarcher, logand3853, Last Dawn Reactions, Vegito, HunterKiller4k, Agentw0w, USS Dread, Harrison Hodgkins, John Horrocks, Bmo, Darkwolf, tsumi7661, Rob Womble, Jared Reyes, Christian Rojas-Bartlett, Sweeping_Lily, Gary Walters, Major of Maynard, ZoraMarslink, lukeski056, and Liger Zero.
Connect with Shadow:
Become a channel member! https://www.youtube.com/shadowDestiny/join
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Business Inquiries: shadow@clovertalent.gg
0:00 Destiny 1 Launch
9:23 The Dark Below
16:15 House of Wolves
21:33 The Taken King
28:59 Rise of Iron
33:26 Destiny 2 Launch
42:06 Curse of Osiris
45:16 Warmind
49:00 Forsaken
1:12:10 Shadowkeep
1:24:27 Beyond Light
1:44:50 The Witch Queen
1:58:48 Lightfall
LEMMiNO - Firecracker
CC BY-SA 4.0
#Destiny #Destiny2