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00:00 - Why do you want to be beautiful?
01:45 - Some statistics
02:39 - My story
04:40 - Pretty privilege
05:54 - Evolutionary sychology
07:46 - Beauty through history
10:17 - Social media
13:02 - Different types of pretty
13:50 - Body positivity movement
15:51 - Remain critical
17:50 - What makes me feel beautiful
Sex at dawn: https://geni.us/k0xbMe
Articles mentioned:
Newsletter ⟶ https://www.lanablakely.com
My podcast ⟶ https://geni.us/lanablakelypod
🤎 Help support here (if you can) ⟶ https://www.patreon.com/lanablakely
Instagram ⟶ https://www.instagram.com/lanablakely
Twitter ⟶ https://www.twitter.com/lanablakelys
Facebook ⟶ https://www.facebook.com/lanablakelys
TikTok ⟶ https://www.tiktok.com/lanablakely
Take my journaling class for free here ⟶ https://skl.sh/3PTWRP8
What I use to make my videos:
Where I get my music ⟶ https://geni.us/lanablakelymusic (get a 30 day free trial)
Main camera ⟶ https://geni.us/W0w8
Vlog camera ⟶ https://geni.us/hMqRA7
Favorite lens ⟶ https://geni.us/FcKaF
Mic #1 ⟶ https://geni.us/cCdW
Mic #2 ⟶ https://geni.us/FPPOFx
For the full list, go here ⟶ https://www.lanablakely.com/filmmaking
What I use for my daily journaling:
Notebook ⟶ https://geni.us/HyHhy3
Pen ⟶ https://geni.us/W6pF3NA
Books that shaped me:
Stoner ⟶ https://geni.us/0ERey
Attached ⟶ https://geni.us/5c2izr
Little prince ⟶ https://geni.us/fRDWat
Quiet ⟶ https://geni.us/mA1IIcs
Conversations on love ⟶ https://geni.us/MXC7K
For my complete book recommendation list, go here — https://www.lanablakely.com/bookclub
Personal email ⟶ hello@lanablakely.com
Business email ⟶ lanablakely@sixteenth.co
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