Let's explore the spooky phenomenon of 👻GHOST WORDS👻. They're the words that made it into the dictionary despite not actually existing. Remember to head to https://squarespace.com/robwords to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain using the code "robwords".
Some ghost words, like foupe, dord and kimes were quickly weeded out. Others remain in use to this day: like tweed, syllabus and gravy.
Be they accidental inventions or deliberate deceptions, you'll enjoy exploring the weird world of ghost words.
#etymology #english #halloween
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0:00 Introduction
0:46 What are ghost words?
1:22 FOUPE - Samuel Johnson's error
2:47 ADVENTINE - Johnson's second mistake
3:16 The origin of "ghost words"
3:40 ABACOT - The wrong hat
4:14 KIMES - A misreading
4:47 MORSE - Walter Scott misunderstanding
6:35 DORD - Density confusion
7:49 PHANTOMNATION - Alexander Pope error
9:27 GRAVY - A delicious mistake
10:22 TWEED - Wrong about the river
11:17 SYLLABUS - Cicero slip-up
12:09 ESQUIVALIENCE - A deliberate ruse
13:46 BEWARE!
14:00 Goodbye