On the 11th December of 1572, a Spanish army under the command of Fadrique Álvarez de Toledo arrived at the Dutch town of Haarlem. This marked the beginning of a siege characterized by cruelties on both sides, a sea battle on the Haarlemmermeer and the arming of citizens to defend their town – most famous of all a woman called Kenau Simonsdochter Hasselaer. The siege of Haarlem was one of the most discussed and most vividly remembered sieges of the Eighty Years’ War. There is a 2014 movie titled “Kenau”, various stage plays, historical novels and even a siege-themed escape room in modern-day Haarlem. This is how contemporary historiography tells the story of the staggering siege of Haarlem:
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Primary Sources:
Alva, Duke of, Epistolario del lII Duque de Alba, 3 vol, Madrid 1952.
Vazquez, A., Los Sucesos in Flandes y Francia, in Coleccion de Documentos Ineditos para la Historia de Espana, LXXII-LXXV, Madrid 1879-80, book IX.
Mendoza, B. de, Comentarios de 10 Sucedido en las Guerras de los Paises-Bajos, 1567-1577, in Rivadeneyra, (1853), Book IX, Chapter XI.
Duffy, C., The Fortress in the Early Modern World 1494-1660, London 1979.
Geyl, P., The Revolt of the Netherlands (1555-1609), New York 1958.
Israel, J., The Dutch Republic. It’s Rise, Greatness and Fall, Oxford 1995.
Townsend B. S., Great Sieges of History: The Sacking of Haarlem, in: The Cosmopolitan 39 (Aug. 1905), p. 447-453.