0:00 Start
1:29 Is it necessary to make an intention (niyyah) for each fast daily or one intention (niyyah) at the beginning of Ramaḍān suffices for the entire month?
2:32 If one misses suḥūr, up until when can one make niyyah for the fast?
3:48 If a person does not keep a fast at all, does kaffārah (penalty) become incumbent?
4:37 Does using eye drops invalidate the fast? Also, what will be the ruling on using kuḥl/surmā?
5:24 Is it permissible to use a nasal spray whilst fasting?
6:24 Does using ear drops invalidate one’s fast?
6:53 What is the ruling on undergoing dialysis whilst fasting?
7:12 If a person plans to start a journey after suḥūr, is fasting still compulsory?
9:40 Is it permissible to use an inhaler whilst
10:34 What is the ruling on having a blood test while fasting?
11:40 If a person sees a wet dream whilst fasting, does it affect the fast?
13:03 I am diabetic, and I must take my insulin whilst fasting. I wanted to know if that affects my fast.
13:38 Can I brush my teeth using regular toothpaste whilst fasting?
15:25 Does smoking break ones fast?
16:34 What should one do if one cannot fast due to old age?
19:53 Does swallowing one’s saliva break the fast?
20:20 If a person’s gums bleed whilst fasting, does it break the fast?
20:56 Is a woman who is experiencing ḥayḍ (menses) and nifās (post-natal bleeding) required to fast?
22:35 Is a woman who is breastfeeding required to fast?
23:17 Is a pregnant woman exempted from
23:37 What happens if one eats forgetfully whilst fasting?
24:31 If one is conscious of the fast, but accidentally swallows water when making wuḍūʾ or ghusl, will the fast break?
25:57 Are pubescent children required to fast whilst going to school?
26:27 Is it permissible to miss the Ramaḍān fasts because of exams?
27:20 Teaching good lessons to your child
30:10 Choosing Dunya over Deen