1. I focused on characters that made 3-or-more episode appearances. Some characters included only made 2. A handful that made 3 were not included. Kids were not included. I included George Pagileri, a single episode character, at the end because it made for a better finale.
2. I focused on first and last lines, not scenes. Tony Blundetto doesn’t say anything before Tony Soprano shoots him so that is not his “last line.”
3. I considered a line to be any word of spoken dialogue that was probably written as dialogue (as opposed to being written as an action line, in terms of the teleplay). For this reason, Tony’s initial “yeah” and Meadow’s final “shit” were included. However, the struggling noises that Eugene makes when he is hanging is probably written as an action line. Similarly, Jason Gervasi’s “alright” in “Chasing it” happens technically before the “envelopes” line to Tony in the video but it didn’t appear to be written specifically as dialogue to me. Similarly, Beansie, greets a customer before the line included in the vid but again, appeared incidental. I did though consider Paulie’s “Ooo” to be written specific to his character which is why that was included. One final example is even though Rhiannon Flamer is seen laughing, watching TV with AJ after the line included in the video, I again considered that that was probably written as “Rhiannon laughs” and not “RHIANNON: Hahahah”. In general, I used my own discretion.
4. I opted to include the two different actors in the pilot who played Father Phil and Irina but did not do this for any other actor changes throughout the series, for example, Joanne Moltisanti, Quintina Blundetto etc.
5. Adrian La Cerva was retroactively determined to be “Adrianna” in the pilot by the writers after it aired. I believe Chris’s line, heard in the video as Adrianna answers the door, is meant to allude to this and she is also listed in the credits as such. I’ve included both scenes though.
6. Anthony Infante technically says the “cheers” line with Bing guys after the “for the best” line included in the vid but since it was a group saying it together and for timing, I didn’t include it.
7. It’s possible Tom Giglione says an ADR/off-screen line after the “Yeats” line included in the vid, but I prefer the Yeats line in any case.
8. You could say Furio’s last line was the answering machine message when Carmela calls him but I didn’t consider that to be the case.
9. I didn’t consider Flashbacks or Dreams when it comes to “first lines” or "last lines", in other words, Jackie Aprile Sr, Livia Soprano, Corrado Soprano Jr., and others, first lines are when they are heard within the general timeframe of the show and not during flashbacks.
10. Technically, Billy Leotardo’s last line is delivered via Flashback from Phil Leotardo but since it was within the general timeframe of the show I’ve included it.
11. You could argue that Vito’s last line is when he is in the car talking to Tony but I distinctly hear a “no”, although come to think of it that was probably written as an action line in the script, oh well, it’s staying.
12. I did not include the Olivia Soprano CGI scene, and I don’t think Chase should have either.