"Deep within the forest of Animatronica, Fredbear discovers a glitched tree that can send him deep into the code of his world. Feeling curious and adventurous, Fredbear uses this gateway to explore Animatronica like he's never had before!"
I've been wanting to animate this song for some time now, because I feel like FNAF World has a lot of untapped potential for animations, both goofy and serious.
It's been fun adapting this game's setting and lore for this video!! Reimaging a game's setting for an animation has been a really fun and refreshing experience!! I hope you all enjoy this interpretation!
Please enjoy and thank you for watching!!
Song by Griffinilla and Shadrow: https://youtu.be/Mzkzriu0vBc?si=R5ulaRTDVhqUpdlt