I made some small errors when first posting this piece. I am going to blame it on my dad brain. I have a newborn and getting about 3.5 hours of sleep right now. I have updated the links to corrected versions of the piece.
This video introduces the next student piece for this series, "The Maids in Constrite," an anonymous work from the Pickering Lute Book.
Link (French): https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/r56gcb1e908sjcm6y91rt/The_Maids_in_Constrite-French.pdf?rlkey=1w0s7dzhx63t90n2lxagke9e8&st=a7dangpo&dl=0
Link (Italian): https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/elfjydbu3blke9wtagttx/The_Maids_in_Constrite-Italian.pdf?rlkey=t7am25aeuz4uszpth2ri0wwfm&st=n075pj1i&dl=0
My NEW method book for beginning, intermediate, and advanced students ($5 USD):
A special thank you to my Patreon supporters:
Vanessa Green
D. Martin
Chris Hatchell
Jack Haefner
T. Trudeau
Tom McArdle
Robert C Purrenhage
A link to my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/FundamentalsofLutePlaying
My book, for intermediate and advanced players, published by Mel Bay: