Explore the first chapter of the Book of Esther. Why did Vashti trigger such anger in the Persian King? Why does the order of her title keep changing, as well as the musical notes relating to her? We also learn to observe the genius of Queen Esther, who brilliantly played Haman's ego against Achashverosh's paranoia.
We also learn about the courage of Esther and the power to look inward at our deepest triggers and core-wounds, and how when darkness is exposed it loses its power.
One of America’s premier Jewish scholars in Torah and Jewish mysticism, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak (YY) Jacobson is one of the most sought after speakers in the Jewish world today, lecturing to Jewish and non-Jewish audiences on six continents and in forty states, and serving as teacher and mentor to thousands across the globe. He is considered to be one of the most successful, passionate and mesmerizing communicators of Judaism today, culling his ideas from the entire spectrum of Jewish thought and making them relevant to contemporary audiences.
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