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#教宗 #天主教
00:00 開頭
01:19 【芒狗狗繪本】廣告段落
02:06 600萬人搶看的教宗!
03:30 教宗推倒了蘇聯鐵幕?
05:06 最早的教宗,是怎麼出現的?
06:50 保密防諜的神秘選舉
08:00 當教宗不再神聖?
09:08 神職人員性侵醜聞
10:21 教宗如何應對醜聞?
12:01 我們的觀點
13:19 提問
13:40 結尾

【 製作團隊 】



【 本集參考資料 】

→ The Power of the Pope | Council on Foreign Relations:
→ Like Jesus' presence': Pope Francis' mass in Indonesia draws over 80,000 | Reuters:
→ Pope Francis thrills Manila as estimated 6 million turn up for mass:
→ 國家相關資訊- 駐教廷大使館Embassy of the Republic of China (Taiwan) to the Holy See:
→ Pope helped lift Iron Curtain:
→ Vatican played key role in Cuba-U.S. talks: officials | Reuters:
→ Papacy | Definition, History, Roman Catholicism, List of Popes, & Facts | Britannica:
→ 花蓮教區- 我們的教宗:
→ Papal conclave has roots in turbulent 13th century | Reuters:
→ 教宗下任人選暗潮洶湧比懸疑小說更難猜:
→ White smoke signals new pope elected | Reuters:
→ Papal conclave - Election, Procedure, Cardinals | Britannica:
→ Vatican has long history of intrigue and controversy | Reuters:
→ Factbox - Sex abuse scandals in the Catholic Church | Reuters:
→ Catholic church in Ireland covered up child abuse, says report | Catholicism | The Guardian:
→ Pope Denounces Sexual Abuse as 'Crime and Sin' - 2002-04-23:
→ 前教宗本篤承認在教會性侵案調查提供錯誤資訊| 國際 | 中央社 CNA:
→ 波蘭團結工聯領袖華勒沙:歐共垮台一半功勞歸教宗- 國際 - 自由時報電子報:

※ 影片中部分影像素材來自 Shutterstock、Envato與 Midjourney 。


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