After I created Part 1 of the Google Doodle Lore, I soon realized that there was much, much more to the story to be found - and in Part 2, we'll be taking an even deeper dive into the hidden details and stories of the Google Doodle Universe!
Watch Part 1 here:
This video's creation was another massive undertaking, and I want to give my biggest thanks to everyone who helped in its creation:
All music in the video is again provided by @remsoda, @qumumusic, and the Google Doodle Team. Listen:
Full soundtrack list:
Great Ghoul Duel 2 gameplay footage is again provided by @mol1257 and @ViciousBee Thank you!
The Pangolin Love reaction clip at 32:53 belongs to @epiccreepertnt:
Marathon footage at 47:13 belongs to @fate7660:
All doodles in the video can be found at
Once again, thanks to the Google Games Community, Champion Island Games, and Great Ghoul Duel Discord servers - your help has been invaluable!
Thank you to every commenter who gave their thoughts on the lore for Part 1 - you guys were my biggest motivation in the making of this video!
Thank you to Nate Swinehart and Seltzerfish on the Google Doodle Team for your lore-building and encouragement!
0:00 - Introduction
0:54 - The Google Doodle Archive Website Update
2:20 - Celebrating the Appalachian Trail
5:04 - Halloween 2023
9:25 - Fixing Part 1 Errors
11:10 - The Magic Cat Academy Exam(ination)
16:12 - More Halloween Game Connections
26:20 - Earth Day 2017 & Thanksgiving 2013
29:35 - Even more Magic Cat Academy & Doodle Champion Island Games
32:35 - Pangolin Love & the Doodle Champion Island Games
42:48 - Smaller Details & Your Comments
57:27 - Conclusion
#google #doodle #lore #googledoodle #googledoodles #part2 #googledoodlemomo #googledoodlelucky #greatghoulduel #championisland #championislandgames #magiccatacademy #globalcandycup #pangolinlove #worldcandycup
And if you've scrolled this far, you can check out my website here:
Thank you so much for watching, and as always, I’ll see you in the next video!
This video analyzes more lore of Google doodles, with characters like Momo the cat, Lucky the cat, and the candy cup witches along with many games such as The Great Ghoul Duel, Magic Cat Academy, The Doodle Champion Island Games, Celebrating Bubble Tea, Pangolin Love, The Global Candy Cup, and animations like Jinx’s Night Out for Halloween, the Appalachian Trail, and other holidays in this Part 2 of the Google Doodle Lore video essay lore.