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▶ Reaper: http://reaper.fm
▶ Studio Wong: http://studiowong.de
Some people have taken issue with my usage of the word "scam" in my previous videos exposing marketing nonsense in the audio industry. Let's pull up the definition of the word: "a dishonest plan for making money or getting an advantage, especially one that involves tricking people". In this video I expose how studio monitor/speaker manufacturers routinely lie, often directly but also by omission, about the accuracy of their monitors and trick people into buying them on that basis. This would seem to perfectly fit the definition of the word scam; making money by tricking people.
I expose the industry's dishonesty and tell you the truth about accurate monitoring and how to get it for less than the price of common deceptively marketed studio monitors.
THIS IS PART ONE. Like all of my three part videos, I first broadly introduce the topic, then in part 2 I expand on the nuances and leave part 3 open for influence in the comments.
In part 2 I will discuss Yamaha NS10s and Auratones and say why they aren't actually all that bad, and why they are distinct from the modern trend of small ported studio monitors with large amounts of various kinds of distortion. I'll also bust the myth that is often perpetuated by laymen: "small speakers sound better than big speakers in small rooms" and I'll go over the use cases for (good sounding) small speakers such as NS10s and Auratones.