When I started the podcast I wanted it to be all about life improvement from every angle, not just the ones we're all taught about.
We've put so much effort into improving the guest episodes this year, but if I'm totally honest I felt the solo episodes needed re-vamping to make them the most useful resource possible. I LOVE explainer podcasts on everything from history to celebrity scandals. So we're trialling a new 15-minute explainer format. I’ve given myself an excuse to spend hours researching the topics I wish I knew more about so you don’t need to read a whole book to understand something important.
So I've started with one of the most important things I've researched over the last few years: habit theory and why everyone on Instagram says it changed their life (including me).
The episode is only 15 minutes long, so perfect for your morning hot girl walk! Let me know what you think!
I owe a huge amount to the following habit theory researchers who make up the reading list below and whose work I researched for this episode!
Nir Eyal - Hooked: https://www.nirandfar.com/hooked/
Charles Duhigg - The Power of Habit & Smarter, Faster, Better: https://www.charlesduhigg.com/all-books
James Clear - Atomic Habits: https://jamesclear.com/atomic-habits
Good Habits - Wendy Wood: https://www.panmacmillan.com/authors/wendy-wood/good-habits-bad-habits/9781035042135
0:00 Introduction
0:30 The Context
1:52 The Data
3:30 The Theory
9:15 The Expert
11:36 The Practice
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