You've been awarded clearance from the scientific council on behalf of the government to continue work on your time travel device! Though the SC originally pushed for your execution due to the slight probability you might destroy all of time and space in your exploits your execution is no longer pending as the council and prime minister together has concluded your work is just two important not to continue…however, once the device is completed you must hand it over to the SC and the government will begin building its new “temporal weapons and defence program” which you have been kindly asked to spear head! (This is not a request, mandatory attendance is required) We’ve heard you’re somewhat of a peacemaker and expressed fear in your machine being used as a weapon but we can assure you that won’t happen. Your time device will only be used for defence purposes and will only be used in the case of our enemies invoking war!
Thank you for your co-operation, you will be given access to your time traveling device soon to complete work on it! We are all counting on you to do the right thing.
P.s: If you use your device for what you originally intended “research purposes” or to “escape the year 2224” because as you have said in the past when asked it “sucks” we will come for you and take back what you owe us. The prime minister and the scientific council will find a way to reach you regardless where or when you hide. Have a pleasant day.
Kind regards
The Scientific council-
SO THENNN MY WONDERFUL KINGDOM! What I present to you here is more of an audio drama in my opinion than a typical romance asmr BUT! I hope you enjoyed it non the less! Thank you so much for listening! 🥺💜
Original script: HydroKingVA
Thumbnail Art: Found on Pinterest
Full title: The Handsome Knight X The Curious Time Traveller! {ASMR RP}{Asmr roleplay audio}[M4F][M4M][M4A][Fantasy Roleplay][Knight asmr Roleplay][warrior Asmr][anime asmr]