This is an audio and mixing test I did for fun. I absolutely love the film score of Disney's 2003 Haunted Mansion film, and I have often wondered how it would sound in the context of the ride itself. Well, like those who have made mixes of the "Phantom Mansion," (the sound of the ride with Phantom Manor's background music) I have tried the mesh the film score and the ride in ways that make sense.
Nothing, and I mean NOTHING in this audio track is mine. All the sound clips are from Disneyland's Haunted Mansion and belong to the Walt Disney Company, as is Mark Mancina's beautiful film score. The one exception is the Singing Busts, which are from the Haunted Mansion video game - no offense to Thurl and his gang, just keeping in tandem with the idea of all the background music being in relation to Mancina's score. The song is performed by the Main Street Dapper Dans, which also did the busts in the movie. The background image is from the 2003 movie poster, and I found it on All I can claim is the mix itself.
I hope you find this enjoyable to listen to. Any feedback is much appreciated. May the happy haunts at the Mansion have a grand 41st anniversary!