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Follow along as we travel through the mountains of western Massachusetts between our cozy A-frame home and our off-grid cabin, documenting the fall foliage and enjoying time in nature. We drive my 1971 Volkswagen bus down backroads, stumble upon a house built out of pumpkins and gourdes and go fly fishing in the heart of autumn.
For my fall coffee, jigsaw puzzles and canvas prints visit
00:01 beautiful autumn compilation
01:00 cozy morning in our a-frame home
02:40 my favorite outdoor gear of all time
04:00 trying to start my old blue truck
05:00 getting cozy at our off-grid cabin
06:20 peaceful rainy autumn scenes around the cabin
07:30 fall sunrise fly fishing
10:00 vintage vw van driving through leaves
11:00 unforgettable golden autumn evening
12:25 campfire at the cabin
15:55 singing an original song on guitar
18:25 taking our cat Mowgli for his first walk
21:30 slow motion falling leaves
23:30 sunrise at our countryside home
24:50 discovering a house made of pumkins
26:09 fixing my vintage vw bus
26:50 going fall fly fishing in peak foliage
29:05 catching a trout
30:05 going for an autumn bike ride
Songs in the order they appeared:
Nylon string theory- dandelion
Pacific winds- American legion
Are you still there- American legion
Sweet June- Eric feinberg
Dungarees- Kyle Finn Dempsey
Big Cadillac- Blaze Folley
Never been this proud- christian Andersen
Betula- Candelion
Subscriber count: 332k
#autumn #fallcolors #countryside #BeanOutsider #llbeanpartner