When it comes to the world of Tokusatsu, there are the 3 obvious kings. Super Sentai, Kamen Rider, and Ultraman. But one franchise that I feel has never truly gotten its flowers in the manor it deserves is The Hyper Agent Gridman! Born from an economically turbulent Japan, the Hero Of Dreams first came into the world in 1993, with a successful television run. After that, for some years the property was put on ice, that is until Studio Trigger's hit 2018 anime, SSSS.Gridman. Celebrating the 30th anniversary of the series this is a complete retrospective on every angle of Gridman as a series, from its initial pre production origins, to Superhuman Samurai Syber Squad, its american re-adaptation. To my favorite anime of the last decade, SSSS.Dynazenon. To the brand new anniversary film, Gridman Universe in 2023. This video became massive in scale, and I couldn't have done it without the support of everyone who watches these videos and has contributed to this channels growth. Thank you so much.
You can support me here, it means alot as earnings off of this video are touch and go due to inconsistent content claims: https://www.patreon.com/CheeseGX_YT
Follow me on twitter for updates and tomfoolery!: https://x.com/CheeseGX_
All About The 電光超人グリッドマン Scan and Upload: https://archive.org/details/book_20230719
Special Thanks to: https://www.artstation.com/artmark88 for providing some extra research and fact checking
And: https://twitter.com/WindiiGitlord for providing translations for a handful of the interviews featured in the video!
00:00 Intro
03:14 Part 1: The history and production of Gridman
13:18 Part 2: Denkou Choujin Gridman
33:55 Part 3: Gridman Sigma and the "end" of Gridman
42:20 Part 4: Superhuman Samurai Syber Squad
50:49 Part 5: The decade after and Boy's Invent Great Hero
56:26 Part 6: SSSS.Gridman
1:22:37 Part 7: The SSSS spinoffs
1:38:24 Part 8: SSSS.Dynazenon, The Best Anime Of The Decade
2:10:40 Final Part: Gridman Universe and the joy of Gridman
#gridman #anime #tokusatsu