WARNING: This collab contains flashing images, so we advice you watch at own risk!
(Original upload date: 1st of July, 2021)
Welcome to the "Christmas in July Collab"! After what started as an off-handed joke back in December 2019 between me DeeWaL after Cheesicscan 5's success, it's finally back , for everyone's glorious enjoyment!
Gathering individuals from all sides of the planet, this collab features the great minds of around 50 people. I just wanna give an extra special thanks to everyone that made this collab a reality, including about 30 people that sadly had to call it off because of time constraint and other personal related matters. I highly recommend watching everything from this collab, as everyone put their heart and soul for this, and it really shows!
Entries and Creator "master spreadsheet": https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/2/d/e/2PACX-1vQL-9jkew4KuLosn6kuIeejgcQ0ar2bpPPaA-DnOBtjqeTDcz2FJdO20PJYbiR2_JcXI1RdJwyKGxDh/pubhtml#
Special shout-outs goes to the "fajnefilmikixD" crew and "DeeWaL", as this project would not have been a reality if it hadn't been for the collabs that came before. (As well as the Barcorolo Megamix collab)
fajnefilmikixD's Wielki mix NiecikTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aBakyAB-G60
DeeWaL's CheesicScan 5: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=72Uyh2RmdFg
The Barcarolo Megamix: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xOsGBxg81so
#YTPMV #hhgregg #christmasinjuly