in this video we'll be going over a lot of the Retcon's from wows history, of course a Retcon being, blizzard changing the lore of reestablished events, retroactively making new information Canon, and since World of Warcraft has so many minor retcons, I'm obviously not to be able to cover them all. But I will go over pretty much all the major ones throughout the history of the game.
Video edited by The Flying Buttress
--The List--
Intro: (0:00)
Vanilla: (0:21)
TBC: (2:14)
Wrath of the Lich King: (4:34)
Cataclysm: (5:42)
MoP: (6:29)
WoD: (7:14)
Legion: (16:36)
BFA: (22:35)
Shadowlands: (24:10)
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