Full history of Noxus as faction
0:00 Noxian Calendar
0:32 The Iron Revenant
1:54 The Rune Wars
2:39 Noxus Endures
2:54 Noxus Meets Demacia
4:28 Destruction of House Swain
5:10 First Invasion of Ionia
7:22 The Trifarix Revolution
8:16 Demacia Rivalry Continues
9:56 Progress Day
10:35 Basilich Rebellion
11:48 Second Invasion of Ionia
13:13 Thanks & Outro
Just a note on some story bits I missed out
I didn't go into the Crimson Cabal, Riven, some of the black rose stuff with Elise and Cassiopeia as they're more character stories than history of the faction itself. I try to strike a balance without videos becoming too long so hopefully I managed to strike hte right balance with this one! :D
Sorry about some of the text rendering. I tried everything to get it right but I couldn't fix it :( I think I know what to do for next time to avoid it. Thanks :)