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The Holy Name is like a Fire ft. HG Vaisesika Prabhu | Unfiltered Podcast S1 Ep. 4

ISKCON Kirtan Ministry 2,795 9 months ago
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Check out our latest Article on the Link below. In this episode of "ISKCON Kirtan Ministry Presents | Unfiltered Podcast Every Week with HH Sri Krishna Chaitanya Swami" features a very special devotee, a dear disciple of A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada, His Grace Vaisesika Prabhu In his youth, William Suczek (Vaisesika Dasa) spent years searching for God and for the meaning of life. His prayers and intense austerities, which included vows of poverty, fasting and silence- unusual for a teenager were answered when a friend gave him a copy of Back to GodHead magazine in 1973. As soon as he saw the photo of A.C. Bhaktivedanta Srila Prabhupada the founder of the Hare Krishna movement, he knew that his search was over. The Knowledge in the magazine inspired him so much, that with the help of his mother, he immediately began visiting the ISKCON temple in San Francisco. Within a few months he had moved into the temple to become a full time monk. In a short time he had received initiation from his spiritual master, Srila Prabhupada, and then received the name, Vaisesika Dasa. Since then he has devoted his life to the mission of his spiritual master. He has been continuously reading, studying and distributing to the masses, the Vedic Knowledge contained in the translations and commentaries of His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada. For thirty-six years Vaisesika Prabhu has been traveling, lecturing, counseling and inspiring devotees and other serious aspirants of spiritual life throughout the world. Recently Vaisesika Dasa has begun initiating disciples into the disciplic succession that has inspired him so, fulfilling the order of his guru-maharaj to perpetuate his teachings and spiritual movement for the uplifting of the whole human society. Vaisesika Prabhu is the president of the temple ISKCON Silicon Valley and has implemented many projects there. Timecodes: 00:00 - Intro 00:35 - Benefits and Glories of Hare Krishna Mahamantra 02:29 - How to end the sinful reaction, forever 04:28 - Most Ecstatic experience of chanting 07:37 - First time hearing the Mahamantra 10:25 - Meeting Srila Prabhupada for the First time 12:35 - Hearing Srila Prabhupada Chant for the First time 13:26 - The most iconic Ratha Yatra 14:17 - Most ecstatic moment with Srila Prabhupada. Thank you very much for watching this video Your Servants in Krishna’s service ISKCON Kirtan Ministry HH Sri Krishna Chaitanya Swami Maharaj HG Jagannath Kirtanananda Prabhu HG Dinanukampa Devi Mataji HG Stoka Krsna Gopa Prabhu HG Banamali Gopinath Prabhu ISKCON Kirtan Ministry Office DOP - HG Stoka Krsna Gopa Prabhu Editor - Rushikesh S. Bhandari Team- HG Stoka Krsna Gopa Prabhu HG Banamali Gopinath Prabhu HG Yadunandan Acharya Prabhu Vikas Prajapati Parth Thakkar Gaurav Tulsani Soham More Ekansh Gangwar Rushikesh S. Bhandari Follow us on Instagram:- Follow us on Facebook:- Our Website:- For donations please contact: ISKCON Kirtan Ministry Office - +91 922 694 6448 #iskcon #iskconkirtanministry #ikmunfiltered #kirtan #skcswami #srikrishnachaitanyaswami
