The Illrigger is what happens when a mama Paladin and a Daddy Warlock love each other very much. They then let their child become a warrior of the hells. Think - like what Darth Vader is to the Emperor.
Join me as we take a look at every feature of MCDM's remake of the Illrigger revised class for Dungeons and Dragons- now available over on D&D Beyond. My quick hot take? It is a strong class with excellent burst damage and can be powerful for those who know how to combo its abilities and manage its signature resources.
Take a look at the time stamps below to skip around to your favorite parts of the video.
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Time Stamps:
00:00 Introduction
01:38 Defining the Illrigger
03:33 Seals & Baleful Interdict
05:44 Basic DPR Calculations
08:06 Forked Tongue
08:35 Combat Masteries
11:47 Interdiction Boon Basics
12:38 Boon - Abating Seal
13:21 Boon - Bedevil
14:00 Boon - Soul Eater
14:38 Boon - Styx’s Apathy
15:13 Boon - Acheron’s Chain
16:00 Boon - Conflagrant Channel
16:37 Boon - Eyes of the Gate
17:08 Boon - Shadow Shroud
17:43 Boon - Unleash Hell
18:16 Boon - Vengeful Shot
18:52 Boon - Dis’s Onslaught
19:30 Boon - Flash of Brimstone
19:59 Boon - Hellish Frenzy
20:42 Boon - Hellsight
21:15 Boon - Impaling Shot
21:50 Boon - Iron Gaol
22:25 Boon - Last Word
23:03 Boon - Soul’s Doom
25:17 Class Features lvl 3 to lvl 20
35:34 Subclass, Architect of Ruin
43:35 Subclass, Hellspeaker
50:45 Subclass, Painkiller
56:35 Subclass, Sanguine Knight
01:02:31 Subclass, Shadowmaster
01:09:37 Spell Breakdown
01:17:37 My Thoughts
01:19:30 Magic Item Breakdown
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