I'm going to make a commitment to make a video once a week from now on because I want to and for the journey of my art and to share about healing. These are things I want to do. Right now, the portal is small, but it's there. I will feed it and it will continue to grow and blossom and become beautiful. Everything is connected and feeds into this. I hope you enjoy this video. It's a little bit of visual and a little bit of talking and it's experimental. I think honesty and vulnerability is so beautiful and healing and moving, so I'm going to try and incorporate that into each video.
Ease Your Sorrow by Hannah Kaminer
All of Your Children are Addicts by Hammock
This Kind of Life Keeps Breaking Your Heart by Hammock
My info links:
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/suzannejoyteune/
Blog: https://suzannejoyteune.blogspot.com